As a special gift to our well loved member, Eleanor B., Women Matters members have decided to hook a friendship rug for her. This is a rug that is marked in a grid and each participating member of our group will choose a picture to hook in one of the squares. The picture that the member choses may represent something that is significant to both the member and Eleanor or something that they feel has some relevant meaning to the project.
To date, individuals have expressed an interest in hooking a square as noted below.
Judy P -- Nova Scotia Flag
Pat H -- Nursing
Gill Wi -- Green Congo Bucket
Sally G -- Golf Flag
Linda H -- Pink Roses
Rhonda -- Poppy
Janice -- Gan Arch
Nicole -- Tea cup and recipe
Betty -- baby
Mariette -- sail boat
Gill Wh -- map of Nova Scotia -- Done
Pen -- schooner -- Done
Pat M -- Grid, plus
Jane G -- some finishing
Nancy Mo -- lighthouse
Jill C -- red hat -- Done
Julie -- elephant -- Done
We know that once the summer holidays are over and more Women Matters members are around to discover this project, they too will want to hook a square. Anyone interested, can contact Rhonda with information on what they wish to hook and she will add you to the list. This list will be updated as required.
Also, watch this site for pics of the rug as our hooks keep flying.
Wouldn't it be great if we could have the rug completed in time for Christmas?