Tuesday, May 31, 2016


The Ontario Handspinning Seminar in being held in Kingston this coming weekend, June 3-5, 2016 at the Ambassador Hotel and Conference Centre.  You needed to have registered to attend the weekend long events including workshops.  However, the good news for us rughookers and fibre enthusiasts is that they have lots of fibre Vendors for us to check out.  Click on the word 'vendors' to see the vendor list.

After reviewing the OHS website, I was unable to determine when the vendors would be open to the public so I made some inquiries and this is what I have been told.

  • Admission to the vendors is $5
  • The vendor sales area is open on:
 Friday, June 3, from 3 pm until approximately 8 p.m.
Saturday, June 4,  from 12 noon until 2 p.m.

I realize that we are all anxiously awaiting the upcoming Textile Festival in Lansdowne, but if you are having trouble restraining yourself or you want to see some other vendors who have come from further afield, then this may be the ticket that you have been waiting for.  I was told to "please feel free to spread the news amongst all your fibre friends! We have an amazing lineup of vendors this year.  Be sure to bring lots of friends to increase their stashes too!  We look forward to seeing you this weekend."  What could be more inviting?


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