What a fantastic workshop we had last Monday. A special thanks goes out to Gill W, Jill C and Nicole for all the work that they put into the Personal Plaids workshop. We had such a big crowd and that we needed to find a way to squeeze in an extra table to accommodate everyone.
Personal Plaids are created based on your date of birth and your six chosen colours. By hooking in every other hole and every other ditch, you pick a colour to represent each number and hook the appropriate number of vertical rows ( e.g. 3 rows for number 3). Then, turning your piece 90 degrees, you repeat your hooked pattern horizontally across your previously hooked vertical rows.
Gill hooked a sampler that was a great reference piece. For demonstration purposes, the gold coloured square shows only the verticle rows hooked. The remaining square are complete plaids. The upper right hand square is a plaid that has been hooked using a piece of wool that transitions from one colour to another.
The gals were careful to give credit to Shirley Lyons for first introducing the rug hooking world to Personal Plaids.
Personal Plaids are not unique to rug hooking. For anyone who was unable to attend the workshop but would like to know more about Personal Plaids, you can check out the blog 'Nuts about Needlepoint' by clicking here. Creating a Personal Plaid
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